Chakra House
The Mystic Manor
The Mystic Manor is a spiritual community and retreat center. My client wanted the whole project to be based around Chakras, the energy centers of the body. I designed communal spaces, outdoor areas, and their short term rental bedrooms. This project was a personal favorite as my values lined up beautifully with theirs.
Playing with light and color in this home was a joy. I placed a deep red carpet in the communal living area to inspire grounded conversation in the root chakra.
As this house was sometimes used as a short-term rental property it was important to match the sheets in every bedroom for easy laundering. Though I added personality it was also important to keep things neutral and agreeable to all sorts of guests.
The house was also the home to a podcast. We designed this studio so they could begin producing with video. The deep purple signaled the connectedness of the third eye chakra.